Angela Carrigan | Team

Angela Carrigan

Full stack Digital Marketer

Angela Carrigan is a dynamic force in digital marketing with a background in UX/UI design and a passion for forging meaningful connections between people and brands. After contributing her skills to an agency, Angela took a bold leap into entrepreneurship in December 2022, driven by her desire to explore unique interests.


Angela stands out for her forward-thinking approach, staying abreast of the latest trends in the digital landscape. Her focus lies in collaborating with brands in the food and beverage, health, wellness, and beauty sectors, as well as individual brands, where she values the personal touch.


In her pursuit of excellence, Angela embodies the essence of a modern digital marketer, seamlessly blending creativity, technical expertise, and a keen understanding of market trends. Dedicated to transforming digital strategies into compelling narratives, Angela is carving her niche in the industry, elevating brands to new heights.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”


– Oscar Wilde

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